How to load Sylenth1 in FL Studio for OSX
Sylenth1 v3.0 is compatible with FL Studio Crossover for Mac OSX. Please make sure to download the latest Windows (not OSX!) version of Sylenth1 from the links in your license email.

Unzip the downloaded file, then start FL Studio and click File -> "Run Command".

FL Studio Run Command

Click Browse and select Sylenth1Win.exe (which you just unzipped) to execute the installer.

FL Studio Select Installer

During setup select a folder for the VST plug-in.

FL Studio Select VST folder

Finish the installer. In FL Studio click Options -> “File Settings” and set the “VST plugins extra search folder” to the folder where you just installed the VST.

FL Studio File Settings

Now click Channels -> Add one -> More..

FL Studio Add Channel

Then refresh the plug-in list in FL Studio and add Sylenth1 to your project.

FL Studio Refresh

The full version of Sylenth1 will ask you to activate Sylenth1 when it's started for the first time. Click here to find out how to activate Sylenth1.


Sylenth1 Sounds
All samples are 100% Sylenth1, 192kbps mp3 and have not been processed in any way. Read more..